Scouts and Guides

Scouts and Guides

Here at Shielbaggan we have a long tradition of scout and guide troops coming to stay with us at the centre.

There is camping available for scout and guide groups however they have to be self sufficient in food.

As well as the campsite we also offer a full range of activities for your scouts and guides.If you do not wish to camp at our centre you can still come to the centre for day activities. The centre will provide all the specialist equipment that you will require and our trained staff will ensure that your scout and guides will have a safe and challenging experience.  You can also camp and do your own activities or mix and match, contact us to design your own unique experience.

We are happy to hold provisional booking for 10 days. Bookings are secured by sending back a complete booking form and a deposit of €200.

Cost for a full day €36

River trip on the Barrow or Full day Rock Climbing In Ballykeefe €40

For a half day €25

Minimum Group size 10, except by arrangement, One leader free per 10 students.

Camping €5 per head

To book ring the office please see contact us section for details